Beginner's Guide
If you're on this page, you likely need some help navigating around, so I can help with that.
First, let's talk about the types of pages there are.
- Multis are lists of links to multiple games or downloads. These are anything from ye olde Flash games to a storefront like to emulation/ROM collections. This is simple stuff.
- Monos are lists of links to one game or download each. You like web games? .io games? Cool little things you'd expect to see shouted out on Twitter? This is that.
- Guides are, well, guides. If something's difficult to set up, or there's a lot of content to sift through, these will help. I crosslink these to other places a lot, so you might find them in other areas.
You'll be able to move between these pages through the navigation bar or links on the actual pages.
Alright, that covers that. What about those little icons next to links?
Those are tags. They're there to alert you to a certain condition. This can help you filter out what games you want to or can play.
This tag just indicates that I'm a fan of this page. This is something I'd recommend to a friend or you, the viewer.
This tag represents games or links that'll work well on your phone. Since version 1.10 you've been able to effectively access the website on a phone, which means that you should be able to access games on it too.
This tag represents things that are likely unblocked at wherever you work or learn. This is tested on the system which means if you don't go to school where I do, it might be inaccurate. This tag mainly exists for my friends and anyone else at my school that gets bored.
That should take care of everything, for the most part. If something's broken or you know of a link I should include, leave it at the comment box. I check it regularly. So far the only thing that's been there, as of writing this, is bag nightcore.