Cublex as a YouTube channel
For a long time, I wanted to be a popular YouTuber. In my mind, there was only one way to really make that happen: get started on doing it.
Cublex was my third attempt. And my fourth, and fifth, and sixth, and so on. It never picked up like I wanted it to, but I still made a lot of videos over a long period of time, and enjoyed most of it. Looking at my efforts, it can be split into 5 different "eras", so to speak.
- The Unedited Era, bad unedited mobile let's plays that I have absolutely zero fondness for.
- The Bracket Era, a much higher variety and quality of videos, with me trying my hand at many different types of things. It's called the Bracket Era due to the use of initialisms in brackets to denote what kind of video each one is.
- The Quiet Era, a smattering of random uploads during a quiet period. Any number of videos here could have become their own eras if I had a specific level of dedication towards them.
- The Border Era, much better edited gameplays about games people might actually care about.
- The Project Era, occasional let's plays and random stuff between longer-term and non-video projects.
In 2024, I announced that I was quitting this journey officially using this video,
although I continue to make one-off videos sometimes as I do enjoy making
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