September 2017 Social Media Compilation

This article is a compilation of social media posts I made in September 2017. Not every post I made will be saved here, as not all of them are worth keeping for various reasons, however I've done my best to save everything good or at least neutral.

Included images have been compressed to save on storage space.

Twitter, 09/02/2017

@GamesDoneQuick I'm buying Super Lovely Planet because of the run. It looks cool. #HRDQ20171

Twitter, 09/02/2017

Super Monkey Ball is fun to watch. #HRDQ2017

Twitter, 09/02/2017

Those of you watching #HRDQ2017 should donate towards LOZ:BOTW Master mode. 🚟

Twitter, 09/03/2017

Good morning to everyone except those who hate GDQ @GamesDoneQuick #HRDQ2017

Twitter, 09/03/2017

New Atari 7800 collection! Just got it all today!

Twitter, 09/04/2017

Atari video today, no games but showing off my collection.

Twitter, 09/04/2017

69 stars in SM64 and I'm going for a star in RR. RIP me. 🚟

Twitter, 09/04/2017

I slacked off, no video till tomorrow.

Twitter, 09/05/2017

THE ATARI WORKS! New vid soon 🚟🚟🚟🚟

Twitter, 09/05/2017

Videos tomorrow:
- Atari SPS (hopefully)
- New song
- 🚟

Twitter, 09/11/2017

I just beat SM64 with 72 stars.

Twitter, 09/16/2017

I don't know why, but Wikipedia vandalism makes me laugh. And I edit that site.

Twitter, 09/17/2017

I'm writing this tweet so I don't get locked for liking too many of @billwurtz 's tweets

Twitter, 09/18/2017

Bad news. I'm going to be on a hiatus. School is making my life hard, and I'm not so sure if I can upload during this time. I apologise. 😞

Twitter, 09/19/2017

I just shaved for the first time :D

Twitter, 09/19/2017

Also, iOS 11 has screen recording? Damn, something that Android is actually missing.*

*There are apps for this LUL

Twitter, 09/23/2017

My phone is currently being rooted.

Twitter, 09/23/2017

I may have bricked my phone :/

Twitter, 09/23/2017

I wanted to download a song, but it was copyrighted.
So I downloaded it from a lyrics video. LOOPHOLES!

Twitter, 09/23/2017

Camel is good.2

Twitter, 09/23/2017

I've eaten 3 bags of chips today.

Now it's 4.

Twitter, 09/24/2017

I wish liking a tweet from @ItMeIRL would upvote the corresponding reddit post

Twitter, 09/24/2017

@jacksfilms Okay, so I know you basically quit YGS so who's gonna continue it?

Twitter, 09/24/2017

SM64: 90 stars done

Twitter, 09/24/2017

@TwitterSupport my followers don't need to know about my replies to people

Twitter, 09/25/2017

Could somebody explain Bitmoji and why it's so weird?

Example A.

Twitter, 09/26/2017

Twitter, 09/27/2017

How you get 280 characters?

Twitter, 09/29/2017

Capri Sun and Pringles boiiiiiiiiii

Twitter, 09/29/2017

DMs open, may read them in a later video

Twitter, 09/30/2017

We are number one!

Well, we got a number one. The marching band I'm in just qualified for states!3

1HRDQ2017 was an emergency Games Done Quick event to support those who were the victims of Hurricane Harvey.

2To specify, I went to a restaurant where camel meat was an option. I remember it being good.

3In high school marching band, most bands go to several regional competitions where they are scored both on their own and compared to the other bands in the region. Getting a general ranking of 1, the highest, qualifies the band to enter the statewide competition. This isn't as difficult as it sounds, but it's also not easy.

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